‘Back pain’ Don’t ignore it! Risk of ‘Myeloma Leukemia’

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Back pain‘ Don’t ignore it! Risk of ‘Myeloma Leukemia’

  • Myeloma, or MM, is a blood cancer caused by a type of white blood cell. That multiplies in the bone marrow and produces abnormal proteins in the bloodstream.
  • If chronic back or bone pain does not improve after taking medication, along with symptoms of anemia, fatigue, and blood tests show kidney failure and high calcium levels, you may be at risk for MM.
  • Myeloma is consider a chronic disease with no cure. The average survival rate for Asian patients is around 4 years. Treatment depends on many factors, both the disease and the patient.

Back pain is another symptom that everyone has experienced.

Especially working-age people who have to sit in front of a screen for a long time or those who have to use too much strength or their backs, physical deterioration, accidents, which many people may ignore and think it’s okay, it will go away soon. But in fact, sometimes ‘ back pain ‘ is not always normal because it can be a warning sign indicating some abnormality and can cause serious illness.

” Multiple myeloma ( MM)” is another serious disease that many people are not familiar with. This disease is a type of cancer that causes abnormalities in the body and results in death.

“MM” is a hematological cancer caused by ufabet https://ufabet999.app the abnormal division of a type of white blood cell call plasma cell in the bone marrow, causing the production of abnormal proteins in the bloodstream (Monoclonal protein or M-protein). Resulting in symptoms such as anemia, bone pain, osteoporosis, bone fracture, kidney failure, high blood calcium levels, etc.

M-protein, which is produced by cancer cells, is a substance use to detect cancer and to monitor treatment. We can detect M-protein by using a laboratory protein separation method (Electrophoresis).